Wednesday, 26 October 2005

14 Years and still in love

Today is my 14th Wedding anniversary and I am so proud to say I still love my beautiful wife Tamara today. It's true what folk say - love does grow. It's easy to fall into habits over the years and take each other for granted. I'm not going to pretend it's all been easy - anyone who does is either deluded or very fortunate - but I think our relationship is the strongest it's ever been.

What's the secret?

Honesty and trust. Two words difficult to stick to because there is no place to hide from the truth. We share everything and have only spent a few days apart since our wedding day.

Here's to many more years.

Sunday, 16 October 2005

Moving time

Not not a bid to draw you into an emotional debate, even though it has been an emotional day - no, literally a moving day. Mum moved across the other side of the country today. I know, if you're in america that's a plane journey, but I think a four hour drive across archaic roads is far enough away from my mum. She's moved to a nursing home (that seems very professional) just five minutes away from my brother and some of her closest friends. She's been living just ten minutes away from me for a year and a half, but has really only had me as a visitor and so has become lonely and therefore unhappy. My hopes are she will now feel more settled with her friends and my big bro near her.

I really must keep this blog up to date.

Saturday, 8 October 2005

Mikael Nordin

Have a listen to this guys music.

It's awesome. A fantastic blend of guitar and vocal. I am so inspired by the sound he creates. It typifies the sound I would love to have for my solo stuff. Full of passion, hunger, the right sort of raw. And a voice to complement so very well with thought provoking lyrics.

Check it out Mikael Nordin's myspace by clicking on the title of the blog entry.

Sunday, 2 October 2005

Watch myspace

I've spent all of my free time in the past couple of weeks re-recording some of my favourite songs. I'm in the process of finishing a new acoustic version of Design for Life. The current version on myspace was recorded as a quick demo with a bad throat and bad sound card. The new ones will have live bass and guitars on. I'll be interested to see how they come out.

The reason for the renewed effort is two-fold really. First, I've been itching to do the recordings all summer, but was stopped by the pneumonia. Secondly, I want to send a copy of a better quality recording to Cross Rhythms, a Christian Radio Station from my home land, so that they can review it. I'm full of excitement and trepidation at the result of this mini project. Maybe I will be able to let a wider audience have a greater access to the gifts God has given me.

There's a couple of new ones as well: Arms of Love, I Will Praise You, Lord and Tomorrows. I've been asked to choose six of what I think are my best songs. It's so difficult because they all feel part of me. I know that God will guide in the choice. If you got any suggestions please let me know. You may possibly confirm my prayers.