Sunday, 6 May 2007

Pastures New

I've been sitting on this news for a couple of weeks now and I couldn't keep quiet any longer. From September 2007 I will no longer be the leader of music at St. Clement's College, instead I will become leader of music at the William Lovell Church of England School, Stickney also in Linconshire. Naturally I'm very excited at the prospect of starting afresh after a period of five and a half years at Earl of Scarbrough/St. Clement's College. It's been a privilege to work with so many dedicated and hard-working colleagues, I feel now is the time for a change. I prayed and petitioned God over this application lie never before and I firmly believe this move is not only a positive answer to prayer, but also, it is where God wants me to be at this time, for me, for my new students and, who knows, in a new capacity for my present students.

William Lovell is a school that is run with a firm grounding in the christian faith and September 2007 marks the beginning of a new era for the school as well as me. There will be a new head and a new deputy head who have great aspirations for a school with an outstanding reputation. I'll be trading in a brand new state of the art music suite for a porta cabin, but I relish this new challenge more than I can begin to put into words. There is so much potential to continue to explore. Part of my new job will be to organise quarterly Praise Evenings at the school. There is a fine school orchestra and potential for a school choir. William is a small school which means I'll be able to get to know every student there, something that is virtually impossible at St. Clement's.

There's much to do until September so I will probably producing very little music for a few months, but who knows which direction God will lead my new music. So farewell St. Clement's, hello William Lovell.