Saturday, 29 March 2008

Anyone near Hull, UK?

Shameless plug I know, but you don't get anything if you don't try

After a long period of no activity I seem to have been thrust into the frontline again much to my delight. Saturday 19th April 2008 is my next 'gig' at Manna Coffee, in Hull. Manna Coffee is a chiristian coffee house that has recently set up n outreach 'church' that is based around the Alpha model and is aiming to break down the preconceptions tha many people have about what church is about. The series of Saturday night concerts is one the attempts draw people from the in to experience the love of Jesus in action. I feel quite honoured to be the first artist in the series. In the gig I will performing acoustic versions of a selection of the songs I have written. It seems the last few gigs have been just me and the guitar with some help form my good friend Nigel Halliday playing the Bodhran and guitar and singing backing vocals.

So if you're nearby why not drop in and support MannaLife in their new venture. The evening will begin with an open mic if you're interested.

19 Apr 2008, 19:30
Manna Coffee
76 & 80 King Street, Cottingham
Kingston Upon Hull, HULL
United Kingdom

A live acoustic gig which will feature music from the album Design for Life by Steve along with some newer material. Relaxing folk/pop music with challenging anecdotes. There will also be a period of open mic before Steve performs.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

I WIll Praise You, Lord, Live at Willoughby

Here's one of the live recordings I managed to salvage from the evening. The song is called I Will Praise You, Lord from the Design For Life CD. I hope it works ok. Just click on the arrow.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Willoughby acoustic gig report

It's great to be back.

I've been gigging again. I was invited by Nigel to perform for a small villiage parish church in Willoughby, nr Alford, Lincs. That gig was last night and really gave me confidence to perform again. Once more Nigel joined me in singing some of my favourites of the songs I've written. A modest audience of 20 turned up the first in this series of concerts for outreach in Willoughby hosted by Rev Daffyd Thomas for what turned out to be, as billed, a relaxing evening of song in an intimate setting. I had some fabulous feedback including the words every performer needs to hear. "That was exactly what I'd been needing to hear." It always reminds of a song by Paul Field called Reader to Writer, "If a song can touch just one heart then I know that it's alll been worthwhile." What made the evening even more special for me was to see five good friends there, three of which I haven't seen in a long time. The Lord truly is good.

Today I received a call for another booking and in addition I've been invited to share with Spilsby Pentecostal church (lincs). So I am happy to confirm that I'll be performing in the Manna Coffee House, Cottingham , Hull 7:30pm 19th April 2008.

That's it in brief. Please drop me a line if only to say hi. BTW I'll be seeing what the live recording came out like and may add a song to the playlist here. Pictures to follow