I hope the new year finds you happy with what God has placed before you and eager to face the challenges that lie ahead. My year has started with a few unexpected surprises, not least the snow and family seasonal illness that comes with it.
2009 brought with it many challenges both with my ministry and my job. I have many wonderful memories of a year that the press considers a bad year. Highlights for me have been the opportunities I've had to work with some fabulous musicians in my ministry performances at Lincoln Trinity URC, Boston Trinity CE and my school William Lovell CE. I would like to thank everyone who attended and I truly hope that you were blessed and inspired as much as I have been.
Something of note that I have very much kept under my hat as well. Over the last year I have been in communication with a ministry development agency called IncubatorOnline. In November 2009 I decided to put myself through the audition process. I'm still not really sure what my motivation was and I can tell you I was more than impressed with Incubator, however after much thought and prayer I withdrew from the process just as I entered stage 5.
I firmly believe that God has a purpose for the music I write and perform and I can honestly say that Incubator have equipped me with more confidence in that purpose and for that I am grateful. In addition I was overjoyed to be able to welcome Lisa Coe into my music performances last year I hope that we can continue to develop the partnership with more appearances through 2010. Lisa is a graduate from the same music college I attended and is a fine pianist with a real heart for serving God.
I think that's about all for now. Thank you for showing an interest in my music ministry.
Abundant blessings