Saturday, 24 August 2013

Jack! Meet Jack. Lego honour our special hero.

What an amazing weekend it's been! Just 6 weeks ago we found out that, amongst thousands of entries, Jack had been selected by Chat magazine to be a real life Lego hero. My previous post shared about his event Run2Remember13. It was a massive success and Jack helped to raise £3,400 for St. Barnabas Hospice Lincolnshire. It captured the imagination of many people. LegoLand and Chat chose to reward his hard work by treating him (and us) to a fabulous three days at LegoLand Windsor. It was such an honour to see our special little man unveil his statue whilst ITV and Chat recorded the event. We know Steph would be shouting how proud she is of her special little soldier from the rooftops and only wish she could be here to see this amazing tribute to her marvellous son. There are too many people to thank individually so I'll wrap up by saying a massive thank you to all those who made Jack feel like a V.I.P. over the last three days.
Just one of the many news websites that published the story.