Friday, 20 May 2005

Inspection Report

Apparently our school was lucky to escape special measures! That's a joke. 10 out 32 lessons observed were deemed unsatisfactory. Not surprising since nearly 30% of our staff are rookie teachers, of which some of those don't have English as a first language. Please understand, I am not racist. Far from it. It's just that some of our students have enough difficulty reading english without having to assimilate to strong accents. Lincolnshire is very backward on the cultural intergration happening in the rest of the country. So, we have demonstrated the capacity for improvement, but have achieved only a limited amount. There will be another inspection before Christmas. Joy of joys. I would guess that'll be a full inspection with teacher working themselves up into a nervous breakdown. What a fabulous education system we have. Never teaching children - the important job is keeping the government happy.