... so very often. How can I explain? Let's start Sept 2002.
15th Sept 2002 Jack was born to Stephanie and Tony (Tamara's sister and husband). 10 weeks later, Steph is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Jack came to live with us. Over time after surgery and chemotherapy Steph was declared to be in remission, but not cured. She can no longer walk and has limited use of her hands and therefore requires constant care. After a year her husband decided to give up work to care for her and Jack went home.
To cut a long story short, it has all gotten too much for him and he has chosen to instigate separation. So Steph has temporarily chosen to live with her mum and Jack is once more living with us, in order to allow Steph maximum access to her son. We've spent all day moving stuff, but now they are settling in and starting the healing process.
There are no words to describe the situation really, so I just kept to the facts. Naturally we love having Jack, but a child's place is with his mother and I live in hope that she will recover sufficiently to be able to care for her son independently in the future.