... someone just posted a "SPAM" comment on my blog. How low can you get. If it isn't bad enough getting spam mail in your inbox and through your letter box. Unwanted tele-sales calls while you're trying to settle the baby and door to door sales men pestering your personal haven - YOUR HOME.
When will companies realise that we don't want to hear it, see it or 'experience' it unless we pick up the phone ourselves or walk through a shop door. That's when we expect to be pestered. I object to my personal privacy constantly being invaded by un-invited guests. If I'd have known that opportunistic parasites post such comments on blogs, I wouldn't have bothered. The purpose of this blog is to record my thoughts as they happen, mostly for me so I can look back and see what a wally I was, and maybe for anyone who might find my rantings of use to them, for whatever bizarre reason.
So there you have it. If you're trying to sell something advertise where people have given you permission, however wonderful your product is, not on my blog. I have asked permission to use every link on my blog. To any potential unwanted posters -