Friday, 27 October 2006

15 years and still growing

If anyone had ever told me that I'd meet my perfect wife and continue to grow in love for her sixteen years ago, I wouldn't have believed them. But I have and I did. God blessed me with a beautiful and loving wife who has stood by me throughout many trials and tests over the last fifteen years. It's no cliche that it's not been an easy ride, because it hasn't. Neither is a cliche that our love for each other continues to grow stronger and deeper. Priorities change but love remains.

This year is also a first for us. It's the first time we've celebrated our anniversary as a family. So our anniversary treat was a visit to the Embassy Centre, Skegness to watch Tractor Tom with Jack. It was a brilliant show and Jack was enthralled from beginning to end. It's such a joy to watch his smile. Then our usual anniversary meal was at The Sun Castle so we could watch Jack play in an amazing play area. He got stuck once - honest!- so I had to go in and rescue him and promptly got lost myself.

So now it's the end of another lovely day and I pray Tamara and I will share many more years together with Jack as a family and continue to be blessed.