Monday, 15 January 2007

New Year - New Hopes and Aspirations

If I were to say good riddance to 2006 it would be a bit harsh, but the truth is there are so many painful memories to leave behind from last year. Equally there were some real high points. Radio exposure on local radio and Rimmerama leading upto my visit to Chicago amongst the highs. The loss of our dear sister Stephanie to cancer leaving her little boy Jack without a mother and my wife without her dearest friend her little sister was definitely the lowest point.

Jack now lives with us which is a true blessing and 2007 brings hope that we can continue to forge an already strong relationship with him and help him to remember his mummy in a positive and edifying manner. We will always miss her dearly but know she is now with Jesus and no longer suffering. We long for the day when we shall meet again.

Professionally 2007 holds much hope for me personally too. December 2006 marked the end of a particularly difficult period of my career as a teacher of music. That now left behind I have so much to strive towards. New buildings, renewed vigour in delivering my subject and a new supportive head.

Faith issues include a move to Skegness Methodist church. I feel drawn to concentrate on a more low key approach to ministry at the moment, considering our emotional state it's probably a good thing. My main ministry right now is that of helping my family to grieve and heal. I shall of course continue to write and record whenever I feel called, but there is no urgency to release any further projects. I can wait God's time.

So farewell 2006 and welcome 2007 and all you have to offer. I await the new challenges you bring.