The song 'Written on my heart' is one of the few songs that I have grafted on. Maybe too many of my songs have lacked that extra attention to detail and clarity in the past. Voice of Calm is the first of this new breed of songs amidst much consultation and soul searching it bears very little resemblance to the original song. Even the melody and feel is completely different.
So now to Written on my Heart. The song was conceived as a response to a need for a special item in a morning service, but received criticsm for the lack of lyrical melody and expressionate feel. And rightly so. The words were ok but needed tweaking. On review I chose to do a hefty edit of the lyrics and attempt a totally different feel to the song. The first verse is virtually written and the chorus is in a fairly complete state too. I'm not planning on posting the recording until the lyrics are complete, but I will divulge the creative process including the various versions of the lyrics as the evolve.
Here's the third edit: I decided to make the focus much clearer going through a process of Admission of need -> Grief/guilt -> Acceptance
Verse 1
Step inside and feel my mind,
No more secrets left to find,
Nothing hidden see the scars
Verse 2
Why dyou think I bow my head?
Weeping at the words you said,
Weeping 'cause of all I've done
Pre chorus
My tears aren't enough
And sorry's just a word to hide my shame
You lead me on and I follow
You show me things I've never seen,
Melt my heart to feel compassion
Calm the fears that haunt my dreams
You lead me on my special journey
Written on this heart of stone.
(c)2007 Steve Lowndes
As you can see I've opted for the song title Heart of Stone as a new working title.
Please feel free to comment on these lyrics as you feel called. I am incredibly open to suggestions.