I'm excited to annouce the unveiling of my latest recording. The song is called You Are There and has been described as a worship song by others. It represents quite a change in more than one area of my life.
First, it represents a new journey on my knowledge of recording techniques. Without going into boring detail I managed to utilize specialist features of a programme called Magix to create what I think is the best quality recording I've done to date.
Second, it has helped me to realise that sometimes it's good to wait instead of being so impatient. The song was birthed back in September/October and I've been picking at since then. Fotunatel I have a wonderful and patient wife who allowed me the space and time to complete the recording during the Christmas Holidays.
Finally, it marks a change in attitude, once again, regarding my faith and how I share it. I'm still not going to drum my beliefs into everybodys ears, but I'm not going to shy away from the fact that I am overjoyed to proclaim that I believe Jesus has rescued me from the sting of death. Every part of my life has been mapped out for me and I sometimes can't quite believe how every step is so wonderfully choreographed through thick and thin. Even to the point where the rough times have prepared me for each next step. It's easy to say this as I walk in a time of bounty, but right now I see a purpose for my life as a servant of God.
I hope you enjoy the song as much as I've enjoyed making it.
Many blessings