How happy am I? Went to pick-up my new guitar today. Extremely happy with and can't wait to make some serious noise when I plug it into my Bandit, which foolishly I left at school with all my leads (DOH!).
It's a Squier Silver Series Stratocaster which is believed to have been created in 1993. I did a bit of digging on the interweb and discovered these are no ordinary squier guitars, they are a bit special, hence the SIlver Series logo. It plays like a dream. Not necessarily the colour I would have chosen and a few knocks here and there, but that's just cosmetics as far as I'm concerned. Bizarrely Monro, the band I play with, has chosen black and red for it's colours, so the guitar will go well with our gear.
Next gig is 6 May in Southport so I'm looking forward to trying it out in public. Meantime, if anyone knows a good drummer about 40ish years old that wants to join a 3-4 piece blues band in Skegness give me a shout.